Breakfast Symmetry

Mr Venkatesh from the Lake View Guest House has been deputed to do the housekeeping in the flat that I am currently occupying (off campus, but that is hopefully for a short while, till the VC’s Lodge on campus gets renovated). In the past few days, he has been turning out breakfasts that are a visual treat, and I thought, given the way in which all of one’s life is out there, I would share some images.
These arrangements, made of apple, kiwi, fig, and grapes- haveĀ  interesting symmetries- and are entirely spontaneous creations. With some encouragement and motivation, of course, but the ideas are all there… Group theoretic analysis (of the idealized arrangement, of course), anyone?
Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to what he comes up with tomorrow…

How cool is that!

Launching Bol Hyderabad 90.4 FM today was one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done since joining the University. While we are not the first University campus to have its own Radio Station, it hardly matters- we finally have one! Although confined to Gachibowli- our radius is just about 15 km- we also have live streaming, so you can hear us anywhere in the world. Check the website for programme details.
Bol Hyderabad aims to be non-discriminatory, democratic and independent. It will produce a wide variety of programmes on information and entertainment, in at least four languages: English, Telugu, Hindi and Urdu. The station will also remain sensitive to the impact of its programming within the university community as a whole, as well as the communities residing around it.
Ideas for what we can do are very welcome. They will be vetted by the station’s Radio Advisory Council, of course, but we really need people to come up with suggestions of what we can do. Write in, in response to this post, or contact the station directly.
Meanwhile, do tune in. There’s going to be a lot of very cool things on air!