The other day when discussing the general state of affairs with a group of colleagues, I was talking about one of the main problems confronting a University that is growing older, namely finding relevance in the face of that endemic cynicism that comes with age.
Call it what you will – Finding your mojo, finding your groove, its about getting back something that was once there, a remembrance of things past, the way we were.
Apropos of which, a festival like the one we just experienced, last week’s SUKOON was, in many ways, refreshing. Although I felt it was poorly timed (it was too hot during the days, and many campus children had Board examinations) it was a good opportunity for students to get together and participate in group events, compete, interact. There were small things that could have been done differently, and maybe next time around they will, but all in all, such an event focuses the vibrancy and vitality of our student life.
That said, there is a need for us at the UoH to find our mojo once again. Seriously, the urban dictionary will tell you that the word means “Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in `basis for belief in ones self in a situation’.” And more, but thats enough for now- its really the vibrancy and vitality that this University had in plenty at one point in time. Maybe its just that we were younger then, or smaller, or just plain newer. But given the fact that our students change every so often, there should be a freshness that comes with this sense of renewal, something that should keep us on our toes and evolving.
And, of course, it had best come from within. But some things are, however, not for the asking, so one does need to make an effort. I, for one, am sure that it is there…