There will be a discussion with members of UGC Task Force on Gender on Gender Issues on our campus on Tuesday 5th March in the Auditorium of the School of Humanities at 10:30 am. The terms of reference of the Task Force is broad. Apart from issues of safety and security, the Committee is interested in knowing the space that women (students, faculty and employees) have in the academic and non-academic life of the university community. Some themes around which the discussion may be centered are
- Around CASH (its scope, its activities, accounts of its functioning by the members and the complainants)
- Women’s hostels (facilities, safety, security, lighting, timings, toilets, discrimination, restrictions etc.)
- Transport (within and from the University for students at different levels)
- Students groups and if they take up any issues concerning women students
- Issues of caste, ethnicity, region and religion – how do they effect women’s mobility, mobilization on the campuses.
- Women students and student politics – ability to participate, adequacy of representation,
- Issues of class 4 women employees and their access to grievance redressal
- Issues related to health care facilities – presence of a trained gynaecologist in the health centre, adequate care and medicines.
- Moral policing by groups/individuals on the campuses
- Academic equality: the academic space accessible to women, relationship between colleagues, students, supervisor-student and so on…
- Individual and group experiences of women on campus
The UGC would highly value written representations on all the above issues individually or
by a group. Anonymous representations are also accepted.