Hearty congratulations to our colleague P. Ramu Sridhar of the School of Chemistry, who has been awarded the INSA Young Scientist Medal for the year 2012. He earned his PhD at the Indian Institute of Science in the area of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, post-docced at Purdue and at Ohio State, joining the UoH in 2007. He has been working on carbohydrate chemistry, specifically in Glycotherapeutics and Total synthesis of Natural Products.
Sridhar has been recognised for his excellent work in other ways as well: as a student he got the best thesis award and the Guha research Medal at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and last year he was selected as a young Associate of Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore.
From his website I gather that his research “involves the synthesis of carbohydrates, glyco-amino acids and oligosaccharides.” He has been working with carbohydrates for several years, developing “new techniques for the synthesis of glcycosyl amines and sugar amino acids. Most of these molecules are new and their biological applications are still under investigation.”
Working on sugars clearly brings sweet rewards… Well done!
sweet post sir
It is heartening to hear this.
Congratulations to Ramu Sridhar for the distinction conferred on him by the INSA. We are proud that one of our faculty colleagues got selected for this year’s honour by INSA. It is a matter of pride for the IRTG-MCGS group as well.
Thank you all for your wishes.
Congratulations for the achievement.
Dear Dr.Ramu Sridhar, Congratulations for the achievement.