What: A walk around the periphery of the campus of the University of Hyderabad.
When: 1 January 2012, 8:30 am
Where: Startoff at the Main Gate, moving counterclockwise (toward Gopanpally… )
We’ll walk for a few hours- go as far as possible- and will be led by Prof. A C Narayana of UCESS, the University Engineer and others. Please bring along (a) water for yourself, (b) sunscreen + hat if you need it, (c) friends.
The idea is to get acquainted with the campus- too many of us know very little about the place, the extent of the land that remains, and just what has been happening to it…
Walkabout refers to a rite of passage during which male Australian Aborigines would undergo a journey during adolescence and live in the wilderness for a period as long as six months when they would trace the paths or “songlines” that their people’s ceremonial ancestors took, and imitate, in a fashion, their heroic deeds. The songline here is the path along Gurbaksh Singh Wall, going past the UoH menhir where our prehistoric ancestors lived.
Do come.
It is a great way to welcome in the new year! Happy 2012!!
PS: There will be those for whom 8:30 am is way too early! Come by the Lake View Guest house between 4:00 and 6:00 in the evening then, just to meet and have a cup of tea together…
Thanks for the great new year idea. I will be there for sure.
Amazing idea..!!!!
A very good idea!! I wish you success for the campus walk.
Eshwari. UoH
In my childhood days my grand father used to take me to the fields and show ”this is our land like that”. In campus now our VC sir is taking all of us to show the boundaries of our university.This shows the attachment and belongingness for our UoH. What an idea sirji.
I did my M.Sc (1998) and Ph.D (2007) in HCU. I love HCU campus! In fact, I (with my friends) explored most of the campus area (of course now it is not with HCU).
The howlers:
“Walk along with the Vice-Chancellor on the Eve of New Year”
“Proposed Rout of Walk:”
“Compund Wall”
“Vice-Chancellor is pleased to host refreshments”
Is anyone from the Dept of English reading emails?
When I was a post doc (that was eons ago), some students complained to the Dean about some problems (I do not remember what they were). The Dean, on his part, advised the students that they first learn how to write a letter properly and pointed out 10 (or so) mistakes in the letter (English grammar and use). Enraged, the students submitted the letter to the NY times with the complaint that the Dean is ignoring the subject and avoiding the real issues. The NY times published the letter with the comment that the Dean (who was also a professor of English) has missed or ignored 4 more mistakes!
The news came up on the walls of the university! I saw it there but do not have the reference!
It does not take much effort to make it to the #1 slot.
for your entertainment only
Language is a medium to convey a message, human cognition fills the rest. So the note from ‘ckm’ in some ways undermines human intelligence.
Wlkabuot rfeers to a rtie of psasage druing whcih mlae Australian Aborigines wuold unredgo a joruney duirng adolcesence and lvie in the wildreness for a peirod as lnog as six mnoths when tehy wolud trcae the paths or “songlines” that thier pepole’s cereomnial ansectors took, and imiatte, in a fasihon, their heoric deeds. The songline hree is the ptah alnog Gurbaksh Singh Wall, gonig past the UoH menhir whree our prehsitoric anecstors lievd.”
I am sure most of us can read the above just as easily…that’s the power of human cognition.
So while emphasis on grammar and spellings are integral to learning, its an overkill if the matter is more poignant.
Kavitha, Anyone can understand this as well as ckm is aware of all these. But you should consider ckm’s comment in last line of his reply “for your entertainment only”!
Dear Mr.Ashok,
From my end it was pun too…it tickles me no end when my guide corrects only commas & vowels in a thesis of 120 pages…so English as a language is my nemesis and hence my fingers itch for penning the punch line…
no offense meant to CKM or VC, just adding to the ‘kolavaer di’ syndrome.
I am excited … to have a walk with U sir….
very nice idea!!
i will join you along with my friends..!!
Suggestion for a theme song (for the journey):
(there are some translations in the comments section)
I would prefer to be hated for what I am rather than loved for what I am not
I wish I studied in a university with a campus as beautiful like the University of Hyderabad and with a VC who regularly updated his blog! I’m so happy I made this discovery. It is so exciting to see how universities in India look at themselves.