On Friday night there was an unfortunate and shameful incident in Men’s Hostel E Annexe on our campus. I am ashamed that such a thing happened in our University, and that it happened now.
Posters and photographs of our national leaders that were placed in the corridor were burnt in the middle of the night of 22 July. This is a deplorable act, and one that is simply incomprehensible. Whatever our beliefs and opinions, vandalism has no place in our University.
It is a matter of shame for us all that in the 21st century we have persons on our campus who entertain regressive prejudices. We will spare no efforts to identify and punish the perpetrators, and a Proctorial enquiry is already under way. This is also a criminal matter, and it is therefore being investigated by the police as well.
The University administration appeals to the entire campus community to maintain calm in this hour of crisis.
Please contact the Proctorial Committee if you have any information that can assist them in any way.
This is indeed obnoxious behaviour and must be dealt with very firmly. Perhaps, in the long run, we need to organize sensitization sessions with different groups of students — somewhat like the ‘teach-ins’ on American campuses.
This is really shameful act.These type of acts cant be tolerated.
Progress on finding the guilty in this act has been slow, and we need your help.
The Chairman of the Committee set up to enquire into this has the following to say:
1. The Proctoral board (PB) met on 23.7.2011, 25.7.2011 after the incident, discussed the issue at length. Further, PB requested Hostels to provide information on the students who were absent/on leave/ left on the day by closing the mess cards. The Chief Warden and Warden of the concerned hostel provided the information.
2. The Chief Proctor issued an appeal to the campus community to provide any sort of information to nab the culprits.
3. Upon the advice of the Vice Chancellor, Chief Proctor constituted a sub-committee to further probe the matter by the following members.
Prof. P. Prakash Babu, Chairman
Dr. Ch. Venkateswara Rao, member
Dr. Debashis Acharya, Member
President Students Union
4. The sub-committee met twice on 12.9.2011 and 15.9.2011. The Chairman of the committee issued an appeal (on 14.9.2011, pasted on all notice boards) once again seeking information from the University community.
5. The committee invited Ambedkar Students Association President, whose room is very close the the incident and also some students along with the secretary of the Students Union. The committee did not get any useful information to identify the possible culprits.
6. The committee also met Mr. G. Victor Kumar, Chief Security officer (CSO) and other security personnel. The committee requested CSO to pursue the matter and get the report of the forensic experts of the police department who are part of the investigation.
As of now we are waiting to receive forensic report. Unlike an earlier case where the student was caught on the basis of his handwriting, in this case no promising evidence is available so far. Hence we are waiting for the police report.
However, the committee is meeting all possible officials as well some students to get any information. In this connection I request you all if you have any possible information to share, kindly help us.