Hello UoH, Hello world!

It’s probably simplest to just start with what this Blog is about. Like it says, this is the UNofficial site of the VC, University of Hyderabad. Which means that I hope to use it to communicate with the UoH community somewhat informally, and to communicate on matters that relate to the University to the world at large. Unofficial, so that I can also add my own personal thoughts and ideas for the University or about matters that I feel are germane to us.
Some posts may be on academic issues, some on administration, some on events, and probably some on non-events. If there is something that any (and I do mean any) of you in the University would like highlighted here, send me the details and it will make its way onto the blog so long as it is pertinent.
I’d welcome comments and feedback, and like I say on the About page, everything is welcome though I may edit the comments for grammar and spelling, mainly. (Too many messages that are written in smsese or with scant respect for either punctuation or spelling have made me somewhat allergic to expressions like Kewl, Gr8! Or worse…).
The first post is datelined 15 July, 2011. It’s the first day of the academic session, a good day to start.
Last thing, the blog title. I’ve always felt that UoH has a unique position by virtue of the fact that it is located so centrally in the subcontinent. Quite apart from its being a Central (i.e. rather than State) University. If you have a better alternative, do send in your suggestions.

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